Delphi Program Running Ide
Delphi IFDEBUG equivalent Apart from what lassevk said, you can also use a few other methods of compiler evaluation since Delphi 6, I believe IF NOT DECLAREDSOMESYMBOL. David Millington, C Product Manager Eli, Social Media Jim McKeeth Podcast at Delphi Marcos RAD Dev World Nick Hodges, Director of Product Management. Delphi is a language for rapid development of native Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android applications through use of Object Pascal. The name refers to the Delphi. Free C compilers, free C programming tools, links, tutorials, libraries. Mind you The NOT above is optional. To check if the compiler has this feature, use IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS. There are several uses for this. For example, you could check the version of the RTL From the Delphi help You can use RTLVersion in IF. Example IF RTLVersion 1. IFENDAlso, the compiler version itself can be checked, again from the code Compiler. Version is assigned a value by. WesleyCrystalDelphi002.jpg]];var lpix_1=pix_1.length;var p1_0= [[750' alt='Delphi Program Running Ide' title='Delphi Program Running Ide' />Do you like Torrys Delphi Pages You can support it by donation at your choice by button below. Thank youIt indicates the revision. RTLVersion. Compiler. Delphi Program Running Ide' title='Delphi Program Running Ide' />Version can be tested in IF. VERxxx. conditional define. Always test for. greater than or less than a known. Its a bad idea to. Another thing I do regularly, is define a symbol when its not defined yet nice for forward compatiblity, like this IF NOT DECLAREDUTF8. String. UTF8. String type Ansi. String. Hope this helpsSome developers have a defined workflow and are used to using various tools independently. Maxwell Sv Software Companies there. Once youve molded your habits into a workflow, drastic changes arent.