Java Version 7.13
Javahome in Maven. No, its not wrong. It is pointing to the JRE used by your JDK, which is what its supposed to. If you print out JAVAHOME outside maven, it should print correctly C echo JAVAHOME. C Program FilesJavajdk. Java-Einstellungen2.png' alt='Java Version 7.13' title='Java Version 7.13' />Java Language and Virtual Machine Specifications Java SE 9 The Java Language Specification, Java SE 9 Edition HTML PDF. The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Java. The Java CIFS Client Library. JCIFS is an Open Source client library that implements the CIFSSMB networking protocol in 100 Java. CIFS is the standard file sharing. You are trying to run your program with a Java version that does not support the version in which the code was compiled. So basically you must have compiled your code. This article gives you a highlight of important features added in every major Java release. Check this article to know about Java history, I am sure you wi. Photoshop Full Version Mac. This chapter describes the class file format of the Java Virtual Machine. Each class file contains the definition of a single class or interface. JWildfire runs on all operating systems with a Java 7 runtime, such as Windows, MacOS or Linux. The newest Java currently Java 8 is always recommended, it usually. Latest STABLE version. Download version 1. ZIP or TAR. GZ format slf4j1. Java Version 7.13' title='Java Version 7.13' />C mvn version. Apache Maven 3. 0. Maven home C APPSapache maven 3. Java version 1. 7. Oracle Corporation. Java home C Program FilesJavajdk. Default locale enUS, platform encoding Cp. BlueJ_Java_Wikibooks_example.png/400px-BlueJ_Java_Wikibooks_example.png' alt='Java Version 7.13' title='Java Version 7.13' />OS name windows 7, version 6. So basically JAVAHOME needs to point to a JDK installation maven needs the tools. JDK to run itself. When using mvn version, maven uses java internal java. Java home System. Property java. home, lt unknown java home. LS. This property is not the same thing as JAVAHOME environment setting, so it might fool you. It is actually dynamic property showing you which JRE is running your code. If you compile and execute a Test. JAVAHOME points to a JDK, the value of java. JAVAHOME. This is expected. Quoting this Whats the difference between JAVAHOME and java. JAVAHOME is the JDK install directory, e. C jdk. 5. Its meant to be. Windows batch files or. Unix scripts. I always have it in my Windows Control Panel and. Some Java. applications use the name jdk. I think is. a better name. But JAVAHOME has been used since the beginning and is. JRE install directory, e. C jdk. 5jre, or. C Program FilesJavajre. Unlike JAVAHOME, I never seen. Java. system property, whose value is the JRE install directory. Since all. Java system properties are also exposed as Ant build properties, you. Would jre. home be a better name Maybe, but I dont think Sun will. You can see that maven uses JAVAHOME on mvn. Init. SET MAVENJAVAEXEJAVAHOMEbinjava. MAVENJAVAEXE MAVENOPTS classpath CLASSWORLDSJAR. And if you want to make sure, you can comment out echo off statement in mvn. TL DR Based on the information youve given, your configuration is correct, no need to change anything. Edit there is now also an issue open about this being confusing. Maybe theyll change it in the future.