Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers
Power Rangers Zeo Ranger. Wiki. Power Rangers Zeo often abbreviated as PRZ, and often simply called Zeo is the fourth season of the Power Rangers franchise. It originally aired in 1. Super Sentai series Chouriki Sentai Ohranger. Zeo introduced all new Ranger costumes for the first time, a pattern that would repeat each subsequent season, in keeping with the Super Sentai source material. Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' title='Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' />Prior to the series premiere, 3. Zeo Serial shorts were each shown in place of the Today on Power Rangers segments during the last run of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 and Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. Production. Following the release of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie, Saban had to deal with a general decline in the brands popularity. While ratings for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were still solid during the shows third season, consistently ranking 1 in its weekday time slot, they nevertheless fell from the shows first two seasons. Combined with declining merchandise sales, Saban was faced with the threat of Power Rangers losing its phenomenon status. With the fear of a continued decline, it was eventually decided that a major shakeup in the status quo was necessary. According to then president of Sabans children entertainment division, Peter Dang, a wide number of options were considered, including the possibility of killing off major characters. Producers eventually settled on cosmetic changes and a few casting changes, to match the source footage of Chriki Sentai Ohranger. This allowed a completely new range of merchandise to be released while cutting costs. Sentai footage could be heavily used again as it had early in the series run. While early ratings for the show were high, maintaining the 1 ranking, they eventually faltered and the show struggled to beat out fellow Fox Kids shows Goosebumps and even sister series Big Bad Beetleborgs. Saban then brought back Austin St. John in the role of Jason, hoping that the return of one of the original five rangers would bring back older viewers. SynopsisI am very proud of all of you. As Power Rangers, you have served your planet well. But the Power Rangers as you have known them are gone forever. In their place has emerged a new, and more advanced, fighting force. You have now become the Power Rangers Zeo, the next level in the fight against EvilZordonsrcPicking up where Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had left off, one fateful day, Master Vile used his Orb of Doom to reverse the rotation of Earth and turn back time, reverting the Rangers into powerless children although they retained their memories. Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' title='Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' />
While the Alien Rangers of Aquitar and a restored Billy Cranston defended the Earth, the children went to different points in time to retrieve a piece of the Zeo Crystal, which was shattered and scattered throughout time by the Rangers themselves. Upon their return except for Aisha, who sent back her new friend Tanya in her place, the Zeo Crystal was reassembled, and its power was used to restore the planet back to normal. Their victory did not last long. Rito Revolto and Goldar infiltrated the Command Center and stole the Crystal, just before the explosive device they had planted earlier went off, leaving the Command Center in ruins and the Rangers without a headquarters. While searching through the wreckage, the Rangers find the Zeo Crystal, apparently dropped by the two villains, and then fall into the underground Power Chamber, their new base of operations where Zordon and Alpha 5 retreated to during the explosion. LLsjZzW0vfM/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' title='Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Forever Red Rangers' />Power Rangers Wild Force is the 2002 Power Rangers season that tells the story of the Wild Force Power Rangers and their fight against the polluting Orgs. Icon Season Est. Setting Premise MMPR 199396 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vs. Rita and Zedd Zeo 199697 Zeo Rangers vs. Machine Empire Turbo. With Ricardo Medina Jr., Alyson Sullivan, Phillip Jeanmarie, Jessica Rey. Five teenagers are chosen by five Power Animals to become the Wild Force Rangers, to fight. Some of King Mondos generals survived. Theyre preparing to attack Earth again. Andros Power Rangers in Space finds out about the impending attack, and contact Tommy. Nick Russell Firass Dirani Power Rangers Mystic Force. Nick is the worst. Mystic Force was squarely focused on him and that stupid red blanket of his. Up on the moon, Lord Zedds Moon Palace is attacked by the Machine Empire, who wants to take over the Earth and do not want any competition. As Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and their minions flee for their lives, the power of the Zeo Crystal is harnessed and given to Tommy, Kat, Rocky, Adam, and Tanya. They are now the Power Rangers Zeo, Earths only hope against the Machine Empire. With new weapons and a new Zeo Megazord, the Rangers are able to fend of the mechanized menaces of King Mondo, Queen Machina, and their son Prince Sprocket. During their battles, a strange new Power Ranger in a shining gold uniform is spotted, helping them and vanishing without warning. Though several red herrings as to his identity are dropped, the Gold Ranger is revealed to be a new ally, Trey of Triforia, who is on a mission to help fight evil throughout the galaxy. When Mondos attempts to destroy him causes his Gold Powers to become unstable, Trey requests that a new host be found for them. Fortunately, an old friend is willing to take up the mantle Jason Lee Scott, the original Red Power Ranger. Fed up with his losses, King Mondo unearths the legendary Damocles Sword and fights the Zeo Rangers himself, but he falls to the power of the Super Zeo Megazord and is destroyed. In Mondos absence, the Machine Empire suffers through a shift in power. Looking to overthrow the Empire from within, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd send their servant Louie Kaboom into the Machine Moon Base, but he defies his masters and rules the Empire himself instead. Louie is later killed by Mondos estranged son Prince Gasket, who with his wife Archerina attempts to retake his denied birthright as the ruler of the Machine Empire. However, Gaskets plans are quickly dashed when a fully repaired King Mondo returns to the throne. Meanwhile, Jasons life force is weakening due to the Gold Powers being incompatible with humans, and the Rangers must find a way to restore them to Trey before they and Jason are lost forever. The situation is only made worse when Zedds and Mondos forces begin competing to steal away the Gold Powers first, but the Rangers are able to restore them to their rightful owner, and Trey repays the favor by using the Gold Powers to defeat a giant King Mondo. Power Rangers Mondo later receives one final insult to injury when Zedd and Rita give him a gift wrapped bomb as a peace offering, which blows him and his servants into scrap. Characters. Rangers. Main article Zeo Rangers. The 5 Zeo Rangers for the 1st half of the season. The 6 Zeo Rangers for the 2nd half of the season. Tony Robbins Frank Kern Torrent here. Allies. Zordon An old powerful sage from Eltar Mentor and creator of the 6 Zeo Rangers. Power Rangers. Alpha 5 Robot assistant of Zordon. Billy Cranston Former Blue Ranger, now aids the team as their technical adviser. He left Earth to be cured of his rapid aging on Aquitar, deciding to live there. Cestria and the Aquitian Rangers Aliens from Aquitar. Civilians. Dr. Jewel A scientist who discovered the upcoming arrival of the Machine Empire, having seen a Gear Ship. Non Canon. Dr. Kender Met with Dr. Jewel to discuss the Machine Empires arrival. Character is Canon, though her appearance in the Zeo Serial isnt. Joseph Saunders Observatory custodian who caught site of a Quadrafighter in the telescope. Non Canon. Wolfgang Blizzard News reporter. Interviewed Joseph Saunders about his discovery, as well as trying to get Drs. Jewel and Kender to provide more info on the Machine Empire described as aliens. Non Canon. The Governor of California Appeared on television to confirm the arrival of the Machine Empire once again. Power Rangers to save Earth from them. Non Canon. Bulk and Skull Two former bullies, turned junior cops then detectives hired by Lt. Stone. Ernie, owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center. LieutenantDetective Jerome Stone A Police Officer who was fired because of Bulk and Skulls behavior as overeager junior officers. He then started his own detective agency.