Serial Interrupt Programming In 8051 Projects


Hr4bbSEKs/0.jpg' alt='Serial Interrupt Programming In 8051 Projects' title='Serial Interrupt Programming In 8051 Projects' />Arduino Controlled Light Dimmer 1. Steps. If you could care less about the theory, but just want the software, go to the next step. Serial Interrupt Programming In 8051 Projects' title='Serial Interrupt Programming In 8051 Projects' />The way to use an AC dimmerfader is quite simple once you understand the basics In AC the power fed to the lamp is directly related to the total surface of the sinuswave, the lamp can be regulated by only allowing a predictable part of that sinuswave to flow through the lamp. Install A Vm Prior To Running This Program Cannot Run. As such we need a reference point on that sinus from where we calculate when the lamp has to be switched on. The easiest reference point to use is the so called zero crossing the moment that the light goes through zero. After each zero crossing there is one full half of the sinuswave available to send through the lamp. So what the software needs to do is to detect the zerocrossing, and then wait for a set amount of time on that sinuswave to switch on the TRIAC. There are. 2 major grid frequencies in the world 5. Hz in Europe and most of Asia and Africa and 6. Hz in the Americas and parts of the Caribean. There are 2 major voltages in the world 1. Atmel AVR 8bit and 32bit microcontrollers deliver a unique combination of performance, power efficiency, and design flexibility for a wide range of applications. Measurement and control of temperature and relative humidity finds applications in numerous areas. These days devices are available which have both temperature and. V and 2. 20 2. 40. V but they are not important for the mathematics here For ease of use I will take the 5. Hz frequency as an example 5. Hz is 5. 0 waves per second. Each sinuswave thus takes 1. As there are 2 sinuspeaks in a wave that means that after every zero detection there is a 1. Should we ignite the lamp directly at the beginning of that period, the lamp will receive full power, should we do it at the end of that 1. As we are using TRIACs, what the software needs to do is to wait for the zero point at the sinuscurve, take note of that and then wait a specified amount of time within that 1. TRIAC. If it sends that pulse at 5ms, the lamp will only burn at half power. In the Circuit, the zero detection is done by the biphase optocoupler and is available as the X signal on the board. There are basically 2 ways for a microcontroller to detect that signal 1 a continuous polling of the Zero Crossing pin. The main difference between the two is that in polling everytime the computer goes through its main loop it needs to check the pin. If your program is busy doing a lot of other things, it might be too late in checking the zero crossing pin, while when using an interrupt, it does not matter what the program is busy with. The interrupt is sort of tapping it on the shoulder saying Hey look, something came up that you need to attend to NOW. After the zero crossing is detected the program needs to wait for a specified amount of time and then switch on the TRIAC. Also here, that waiting can be done in two different ways. Again, both these methods have their pros and cons. Serial Total Audio Converter 5.2 on this page. The wait command delay in Arduino language literally lets the computer wait for the required time and it cant do anything else in the mean time. That is fine if your controller is only used to control the lamp, but if it needs to do other stuff then little time is left. Using a timer interrupt solves that. Basically what that does is that the program tells the timer Hey, I just heard we have a zero crossing, I got to do something else, but you just wait 4. Triac So the program goes on its merry way and 4. TRIAC. Polling note this is a rough example for illustration of polling, obviously it needs some enhancementint ACLOAD3 We use pin 3 to ignite the TRIAC. ModeACLOAD, OUTPUT Set AC Load pin as output. ReadACLOAD. delay. Microseconds5. 00. WriteACLOAD, HIGH triac firing. Interrupt driven To use an interrupt, first we need to set that up. On the Arduino that is as follows void setup. ModeACLOAD, OUTPUT Set AC Load pin as output. Interrupt0, zerocrosssint, RISING Choose the zero cross interrupt from the table above. What this says is that the interrupt is attached to interrupt 0, it goes to a function called zerocrosssint and it reacts to a rising flank on the pin. In the Zerocrossint function that the program jumps to after the interrupt we determine the time we need to wait before firing the TRIAC. We will also add a bit of functionality. We dont just want one level set that the lamp burns on, we are going to add some functionality to regulate the light level in steps. For that I have chosen the fully arbitrary amount of 1. That means that every step is 1. I get to that later. The total dimtime then is calculated from 7. The number between 1 1. For 6. 0Hz 6. Microsecondsdimtime Off cycle. WriteACLOAD, HIGH triac firing. Microseconds1. 0 triac On propagation delay for 6. Hz use 8. 3. 3. digital. WriteACLOAD, LOW triac Off. What happens here is that the program first calculates the dimtime time to wait before the triac is fired It then waits that amount of time, subsequently waits that amount of time and fires the Triac. The Triac will switch off again at the following zero crossing, but we are going to already write a low on the TRIAC pin to avoid accidental ignition in the next cycle. We need to wait a bit however to know for sure the TRIAC is on, so we wait 1. Now 1. 00. 00 1. Feel free to use 7. The only thing then left to do in the main program is to set the level at which we want the lamp to burn void loop. What happens here is a simple loop that regulates the lamp up in a 1. I have chosen not to start at 1 but at 5 because at that level there could be some timing issues that could cause the lamp to flicker. The above program is only an example of how to control the lamp, obviously you want to add some other functionality rather than just have a lamp go up and down in brightness. Using a timer If you want your program to be time efficient you will need to use an interrupt for the zero crossing detection and a timer to determine the amount of time to wait. Roughly a program would look as follows Initialize. Set up the various constants and variables you need and include the libraries used such as the Timer. One LibrarySetup. Setp the pins and the 2 interrupts. The zero crosssing interrupt points to a function and so does the timer interrupt. Zero cross functie. Set a boolean indicating if a zero cross has occurred. Timer function. If we regulate the brightness again in 1. If that is the case, the Triac is switched on.