Stationplaylist Studio Torrent
Station. Playlist Studio. This add on package provides improved usage of Station. Playlist Studio, as well as providing utilities to control the Studio from anywhere. For more information about the add on, read the add on guide. For developers seeking to know how to build the add on, see build. Instructions. txt located at the root of the add on source code repository. IMPORTANT This add on requires NVDA 2. Station. Playlist Studio 5. If using Windows 8 or later, for best experience, disable audio ducking mode. Stationplaylist Studio Torrent' title='Stationplaylist Studio Torrent' />Also, add on 8. Studio 5. 1. 0 and later, and for broadcasters using Studio 5. StationPlaylist Studio Studio is our onair broadcast playback software for the studio, providing useful features for assisting the DJ during live. StationPlaylist Studio 4. Build 4. 3. 3. 17 Omon11 Download Download here Torrent Size. Download here Torrent Size 12 mb Files 2 Info Hash. StationPlaylist Studio 4. Build 4. 3. 0. 13. StationPlaylist Creator 4. Build 4. 3. 3. 3 by jamessul. Telecharger Gratuit Torrent. Download the latest version of StationPlaylist Studio free. Lowcost live assist and automation software for radio and Internet broadcasting. StationPlaylist Scripts V5 now available. This will hopefully tell you that version 5 of the StationPlaylist Studio scripts are running and that you are using. Windows XP, Vista or 7 without Service Pack 1, a long term support version 1. Shortcut keys. AltShiftT from Studio window announce elapsed time for the currently playing trakc. ControlAltT two finger flick down in SPL touch mode from Studio window announce remaining time for the currently playing trakc. NVDAShiftF1. 2 two finger flick up in SPL touch mode from Studio window announces broadcaster time such as 5 minutes to top of the hour. Pressing this command twice will announce minutes and seconds till top of the hour. AltNVDA1 two finger flick right in SPL mode from Studio window Opens end of track setting dialog. AltNVDA2 two finger flick left in SPL mode from Studio window Opens song intro alarm setting dialog. AltNVDA3 from Studio window Toggles cart explorer to learn cart assignments. AltNVDA4 from Studio window Opens microphone alarm dialog. ControlNVDAf from Studio window Opens a dialog to find a track based on artist or song name. Librecad For Linux more. Press Nv. DAF3 to find forward or NVDAShiftF3 to find backward. AltNVDAR from Studio window Steps through library scan announcement settings. ControlShiftX from Studio window Steps through braille timer settings. ControlAltrightleft arrow while focused on a track Announce nextprevious track column. ControlAltdownup arrow while focused on a track Move to next or previous track and announce specific columns unavailable in add on 1. ControlNVDA1 through 0 6 for Studio 5. Announce column content for a specified column. AltNVDAC while focused on a track announces track comments if any. AltNVDA0 from Studio window Opens the Studio add on configuration dialog. ControlNVDA hyphen from Studio window Send feedback to add on developer using the default email client. AltNVDAF1 Open welcome dialog. Unassigned commands. The following commands are not assigned by default if you wish to assign them, use Input Gestures dialog to add custom commands. Switching to SPL Studio window from any program. SPL Controller layer. Announcing Studio status such as track playback from other programs. SPL Assistant layer from SPL Studio. Announce time including seconds from SPL Studio. Announcing temperature. Announcing title of next track if scheduled. Announcing title of the currently playing track. Marking current track for start of track time analysis. Performing track time analysis. Take playlist snapshots. Find text in specific columns. Find tracks with duration that falls within a given range via time range finder. Quickly enable or disable metadata streaming. Additional commands when using Sam or SPL encoders. The following commands are available when using Sam or SPL encoders F9 connect to a streaming server. F1. 0 SAM encoder only Disconnect from the streaming server. ControlF9ControlF1. SAM encoder only Connect or disconnect all encoders, respectivley. F1. 1 Toggles whether NVDA will switch to Studio window for the selected encoder if connected. ShiftF1. 1 Toggles whether Studio will play the first selected track when encoder is connected to a streaming server. ControlF1. 1 Toggles background monitoring of the selected encoder. F1. 2 Opens a dialog to enter custom label for the selected encoder or stream. ControlF1. 2 opens a dialog to select the encoder you have deleted to realign stream labels and encoder settings. AltNVDA0 Opens encoder settings dialog to configure options such as stream label. In addition, column review commands are available, including ControlNVDA1 Encoder position. ControlNVDA2 stream label. ControlNVDA3 from SAM Encoder Encoder format. ControlNVDA3 from SPL Encoder Encoder settings. ControlNv. DA4 from SAM Encoder Encoder connection status. ControlNVDA4 from SPL Encoder Transfer rate or connection status. ControlNVDA5 from SAM Encoder Connection status description. SPL Assistant layer. This layer command set allows you to obtain various status on SPL Studio, such as whether a track is playing, total duration of all tracks for the hour and so on. From any SPL Studio window, press the SPL Assistant layer command, then press one of the keys from the list below one or more commands are exclusive to playlist viewer. You can also configure Nv. DA to emulate commands from other screen readers. The available commands are A Automation. C ShiftC in JAWS and Window Eyes layouts Title for the currently playing track. C JAWS and Window Eyes layouts Toggle cart explorer playlist viewer only. D R in JAWS layout Remaining duration for the playlist if an error message is given, move to playlist viewer and then issue this command. E G in Window Eyes layout Metadata streaming status. Shift1 through Shift4, Shift0 Status for individual metadata streaming URLs 0 is for DSP encoder. E Window Eyes layout Elapsed time for the currently playing track. F Find track playlist viewer only. H Duration of music for the current hour slot. ShiftH Remaining track duration for the hour slot. I L in JAWS or Window Eyes layouts Listener count. K Move to the marked track playlist viewer only. ControlK Set the current track as the place marker track playlist viewer only. L ShiftL in JAWS and Window Eyes layouts Line in. M Microphone. N Title for the next scheduled track. P Playback status playing or stopped. ShiftP Pitch of the current track. R ShiftE in JAWS and Window Eyes layouts Record to file enableddisabled. ShiftR Monitor library scan in progress. S Track starts scheduled. ShiftS Time until selected track will play track starts in. T Cart editinsert mode onoff. U Studio up time. ControlShiftU Check for add on updates. W Weather and temperature if configured. Y Playlist modified status. Studio 5. 0x Announce column content for a specified column. F8 Take playlist snapshots number of tracks, longest track, etc. F9 Mark current track for track time analysis playlist viewer only. F1. 0 Perform track time analysis playlist viewer only. F1. 2 Switch between current and a predefined profile. F1 Layer help. ShiftF1 Opens online user guide. SPL Controller. The SPL Controller is a set of layered commands you can use to control SPL Studio anywhere. Press the SPL Controller layer command, and NVDA will say, SPL Controller. Press another command to control various Studio settings such as microphone onoff or play the next track. The available SPL Controller commands are Press P to play the next selected track. Press U to pause or unpause playback. Press S to stop the track with fade out, or to stop the track instantly, press T. Press M or ShiftM to turn on or off the microphone, respectively, or press N to enable microphone without fade. Press A to enable automation or ShiftA to disable it. Press L to enable line in input or ShiftL to disable it. Press R to hear remaining time for the currently playing track.